Monday, April 13, 2009

15 more days


Ok I really am getting beyond excited and to be honest getting a little annoyed as well... I have been having contractions for what seems to be forever, but since Wednesday I have had timeable contractions... Wednesday they were anywhere from 5 -7 minutes apart just not really that intense, and Thursday and Friday I was still having them but more like 15 to 20 minutes apart. Saturday Nothing...... Saturday she was very still and did not move around alot at all. Saturday night I went to the bathroom and noticed there was some blood, well (sorry if TMI) I lost part of my mucus plug. So I got So excited.. When I lost it with my first (Kdy) I went into labor 12 hours after so I thought I would be going soon. Well, nothing happened. I did however have a very busy Easter Sunday though. Busy with contractions that is. Again timeable but sporadic, like 15- 20 minutes apart, some even longer. Well let me tell you they wore me out big time so I was in bed by like 7 still contracting.... I woke up at about 10:30 with pretty painful Braxton Hicks and pretty confused. Usually (well with the other 2) once I started having contractions they were about 5 minutes apart and I knew I was in labor, well this one is so different its not even funny.... Well, I will stop complaining and just continue to pray for patience and I know this little girl will come when she (and God) is good and ready and if it is in 15 more days then so-be-it, I will be patient and know that God is in control and I have no say so in the matter......

1 comment:

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

It will be soon! And did I miss... are you not having a homebirth now?
