Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What else I learned at my Ultra Sound

OK so as you may know now we are having a girl. I must tell you I was crying and I believe
that if I didn't have my 2 BFF's with me, Ken would have been crying as well.
I don't know if we wanted to cry because he was hoping for a boy or if he was happy. She was 100% sure because well there was not a "kickstand" (as my mom calls it) and we got a good look
at the "va- jay jay". We also learned that my due date will now be April 28 not April 19..
Also, we learned that I have fibroids, I guess its not that big of a deal (they are pretty tiny) and with my estrogen and the babies estrogen well, it is inevitable that they would be growing.
I will find out more at my next Dr.s appointment. We were able to see the heart which was
very good and even though she did not want to cooperate we were able to see everything
but the hands and fingers. The ultra sound tech wants me to come back in a couple
weeks for another one, why really I don't know. She says she wants to get a good look
at the hands and fingers.... Anyway, we are keeping the name a secret so don't try and
pry is out of me, because you know I will give in. LOL

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