Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a pregnancy

I know it has been quite a while since I have been able to write something but trust me you would not of wanted to hear all of the negativity. OK maybe not all negativity but this pregnancy has not been as easy as my other two, that's for sure. This past Monday I got to spend 9 hours in the hospital just to be sent home telling me they can not find the source of my pain. I have had some really bad pains in my kidney area and then some in my vajay-jay area. They were able to explain the pain in the vaginal area but they did a lot of test for the kidneys and came up with nothing. They ruled out Kidney Stones, Kidney infection, a UTI, and something I called Hydronephrosis (which is a build up of urine in the kidneys) but I did get to go through ANOTHER pap and them checking my cervix and the best part was I had an audience to watch. I love interns! So I did however get to have a shot of morphine so ease the pain and that it did. I really don't know for how long because all I remember was well nothing. I slept after I got the shot...

I am going to go in tomorrow for more test and they think it maybe because of the baby and the fibroid pushing against my kidneys so we will see. To me that doesn't make sense but again I am not a doctor. I am not going to let any of this discourage me in anyway though. I will have a homebirth unless my midwife finds anything that could be at risk. I must say though it was pretty nice getting pampered that night. They were very nice nurses and they were bringing all kinds of great stuff, from warm blankets, to warm pack, to pudding and juice. ( that was when I was finally able to eat something) So I started to think oh maybe I should just be in the hospital where they are taking care of everything AND then I smelled the hospital gown, because I thought I had bad B.O. but then I realized it was the gown and not me and then I decided that homebirth would be SO much better than a hospital. LOL

What I have not mentioned yet is that I have 2 fibroids and one of them they are going to be checking every time I go in for my Dr.s appointment. It has grown a good size now so they are going to monitor it so it doesn't get in the way of the growth of the baby. I really can not believe that my other 2 pregnancies went by so good and this one just so much seems to happen. Not huge stuff but I have just had a lot of firsts with this one. I am feeling weird pains and I am ALOT more tired with this one than I was with the others. I could go on and on but I will spare you.

I am very excited however because my really good friend is throwing me a baby shower and I went to Target and Babies R Us to register and let me tell you, I had a blast. I went all pink. We never went all pink with Kdy because well at the time I was so against that color and we also did not want to have to buy all new stuff if we had a boy our second time so we kept a lot of the stuff neutral. But this time I had a blast registering for everything Pink...... I am even really excited to put this little girl in some ruffles and dresses, something I really regret not doing with Kdy.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am so sorry to hear you had to spend the day at the hospital. Yuck, I HATE hospitals too, but I'm glad they didn't find anything serious. I miss you and Ken and the kids, take care of yourself and call me sometime! We could come over one weekend or I could take the kids for you for a bit so you and Ken could enjoy some alone time together. Love ya babe!