Friday, December 5, 2008

Midwife appointment last night

So last night was another appointment with the midwife. First, I have to say that I love my midwife dearly. She gets my humor, her and Christa make such an awesome team, she is so stinking cool and down to earth and she is so knowledgeable and such a great listener. I am so excited to have her.

So last evening we heard only one heartbeat and it was a good strong heartbeat. My blood pressure was normal (and has been for awhile now) I am measuring at 22 weeks and I have only gained 2 pounds in the last 5 weeks. Sugar level was good and so was everything else.. The baby even kicked Wendy when she went to measure me so that was cute. Speaking of kicking this little bean has been moving around so much it is crazy. When I lay down to go to sleep it seems to move the most so maybe we will have another very active "night owl" baby on our hands......

I did want to show what a difference a couple months can make:

ok this was me at 9 1/2 weeks. I just looked like one fat girl....

And this is me at 20 weeks.... Thank God for a Gazelle so I can get in shape for this pregnancy.

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